Interviews for the Immanent Foundation
On October 5, 2018, at 6 p.m. at the Seminary Co-op Bookstore, Norman Finkelstein (pictured above between the colossi of Nathaniel Tarn and Michael Heller) will be giving a reading. I will be serving as his interlocutor.
Norman is coming to read from his outstanding new book, From the Files of the Immanent Foundation. What is the Immanent Foundation, you ask? That question may be too sensitive for me to ask the poet directly; however, I can promise to ask other questions the circumlocutions of whose answers will very likely provide us with a shape if not an exact history of this institution.
In (even) more self-serving news, I was interviewed for the University of Chicago alumni magazine by Carrie Golus, which includes me saying perhaps unusual things, and has this photograph of me taken in Rockefeller Chapel back on a rainy spring day.