Literary Landscapes: Lighting it up.
Thanks to a kind invitation by host Robin McLachlen, a recording of Ronald Johnson reading "ARK 34," his homage to Louis Zukofsky dedicated upon hearing of the death of the poet in 1978, and which begins the parts of ARK that make up the poem's second section, entitled "The Spires," aired on January 11, 2018 on CKCU FM 93.1 in Ottawa, Canada, along with a reading from me of my poem "Dante," which appears in Luminous Epinoia, published in 2010 by the Cultural Society, that resets/para-translates/dilates on Paradiso XXIV & XXV. Lots of other good stuff on the show. Have a listen!
Literary Landscape with Robin McLachlan.
The recording of "Dante" was executed by Gabby O'Leary, who goes by Knapsack. Have a listen to him, too!